Skill Set

Specialized In

  • Custom Web Designing

    Designing customized light-weight responsive websites with mobile first approach in most desirable user friendly manner with SEO ready content and structure.

  • Creative Graphic Designing

    Designing creative stuff like logos, business cards, stationery, brochures, magazine, bill-boards, etc.

  • Validation & Compatibility

    Validating webpages against W3 standards and maintain browser & device compatibility.

  • Troubleshooting

    Troubleshooting HTML structuring issues and guiding for minimal and proper use of HTML tags and CSS.

  • HTML Training

    Providing basic to advance HTML-CSS training with projector-presentation and test sessions.

  • Content Writing & SEO

    Blog & content writing and on-page SEO.

Technical Skills

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • SCSS
  • Twitter Bootstrap
  • Google Material Design
  • Javascript
  • JQuery
  • Wordpress
  • Fork CMS
  • Grav
  • Pico
  • Core Php
  • MySql Queries
  • Database Management
  • Magento Theming
  • Ionic Mobile App Designing
  • Laravel October CMS Framework

Software Skills

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe XD
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Figma
  • Invision Studio
  • Balsamiq Studio
  • Corel Draw
  • Adobe Dreamweaver
  • Adobe Flash with Action Script

My Key Skills

  • 79%

    In Designing

    • Idea - Imagination
    • Robust Designing
    • UX Designing
    • Custom Design
    • Responsive Designing
    • Character and Sketching
    • Iconography
    • Typography
    • Vertical Rhyme
    • Image Enhancement
    • Style Guide Preparation
  • 90%

    In Front-end Work

    • Design Implementation
    • Image Compression & Optimization
    • UI Structuring & Techniques
    • Animation & Scripting
    • Parallax Design
    • Canvas Drawing and Animation
    • CSS and JS Pre-processors Use
    • Development in Frontend Frameworks
    • Development in CMS softwares
    • Development in MVC environment
    • Standardized Coding Practice
    • Documentation & Commenting
  • 95%

    In Testing & Error Handeling

    • Site Performance Testing
    • SRS Testing
    • Design Testing
    • Site Navigation Testing
    • Forms Submission & Validation
    • Code Validation & Script Review
    • Troubleshooting
    • Cross Browser Check
    • Testing with Emulator/Simulator
    • Real Device Testing
    • Spell Check & Content Testing
  • 82%

    In Content Writing & SEO

    • Microdata / Structured Data Stuffing
    • On-page SEO (Internal SEO)
    • Content Generation
    • Keyword Stuffing
    • SEO Friendly Structuring
    • RSS Feed Building
    • Social Media Marketing
  • 78%

    In Planning

    • Innovation
    • View as a Whole
    • Wireframing
    • Flow Diagrams
    • SRS Documentation
    • Agile Planning
  • 81%

    In Project Management

    • Mail Exchanging
    • Client Communication
    • Internal Communication
    • Use of Project Management Software
    • Step-by-step Documentation

and not to be mentioned, the CORE KEY SKILL is... Common Sense, which is not so common nowadays.

* Percentage shown here is my efficiency level in each mentioned field, as per my perception. Actual level may differ project to project.
portray_aabha sailling Facebook mail Linked In Pinterest Skype Stack Overflow Twitter You Tube color-palette brush Web Designing Validation Troubleshooting SEO Graphic Designing HTML Training